English is a goofy language.
One can be right or turn right.
You can be there, their, or they’re.
Perhaps most troubling of all, though, is that one can love their family and their hamburger! The broadness of application of this word in our common vernacular is so vast as to make it pretty close to meaningless!
So, to keep you on your toes and to keep your reading fresh, I will depart from the typical science-y focus this month (mostly) and do what I can to lay a firmer foundation for one of the strongest (and most necessary and most misunderstood) forces on the planet: Love.
Whether we like to admit it or not, an abundant life requires good and proper doses of love – but what does that even mean? How do we know we have it? What does it look, feel, and act like? If you can love your sister and your favorite key chain, does that say anything at all about either of them?
Let’s take a deep dive into this word and see if we can gain some clarity – and maybe even mine a bit more of it in our lives!!
Two Parts of Speech
It can help to note that the word love can be either a noun or a verb. I know…I know. Whoosh – back to third grade where Ms. Pipenhoffer gave you a bad time for not mapping your sentences properly. Bet you never knew parts of speech would come in handy when it came to love!
Love as a noun
is, more or less, the “warm fuzzy” part of love. It is all the body sensations and inner “knowings” that indicate love is occurring inside of you. It is the chemical wash and feeling of love – the thing that bonds us and draws us toward something.
When acting as a verb, however, love is in action. Care, consideration, compassion, respect, and other words describe love in motion. Love that, as Bob Goff would put it, “Does.”
You might wonder why this matters – and you know I’ll tussle your hair and say, “I’m so glad you asked!!”
Remember that time your best friend said they’d be away for your birthday, but you found out later they spent the day at the mall? You didn’t talk for months after that, but then she called you and you two are trying to work things out, but you are just not “feeling it?” You value your friendship, and you understand why she did what she did – she didn’t like one of the people at your party and was afraid to tell you. She thought she’d sound petty. Knowing that love can be displayed in your actions and not always in your feelings – and it is still love - can help during a healing process.
You also are not required to have warm fuzzies for yourself! You are, however, in need of self-respect and kind treatment from you to…well, you! That is what is meant by all that talk of “self-love” – it isn’t a “selfmance” we’re looking for…just you to treat you with respect and consideration.
From Who to What?
“Okay, great. Love is a noun and a verb. I don’t have to bubble over with affection for myself – Yay! Good news. But I still don’t exactly know what love is!”
Here’s the thing. If you listen only to how the word is used in English, you may never know. A scan of English dictionaries doesn’t even help as that yields everything from “Affection for something” to “Sexual desire.”
Yes, love has various components, such as affection, good will, warmth, and various levels of intensity.
Are you starting to see that love is complex and nuanced? We English speakers think of love as one thing, but it most assuredly is not.
Love is multi-faceted, multi-directional, and is composed and dependent on “source” and “object.”
“On what and what now?”
To start to break this down so we can get a better idea, there are a few things to know. Yes, you can have love for yourself…but love does not exist without both a source, the one feeling or doing the love, and an object, the person/place/thing (etc.) the source’s love is pointed toward.
When I love myself, I am both source and object. When I love my cat, I am the source, and my cat is the object. When your boss loves you, they are the source, and you are the object.
Get it?
There is no such thing as “source-less” or “object-less” love. Love is something that must be given and received in order to exist.
Think on that for a minute.
Source love that is rejected by its object is called unrequited love
– and it is very, very painful. In everyday language, we usually refer to this as “rejection.” In a post later this month, we will learn how rejection and abandonment differ – so definitely come back for that one!
It’s All Greek to Me!
We have established that love can be meant as a noun or a verb…a feeling OR an action. We know it must be something that exists within one person (or critter) and given to another and that when it is offered and not accepted, that is very painful.
Helpful info, but we’re still dancing around what it actually is.
To tackle this problem, I am going to introduce you to some Greek.
Greek is fabulous because it has multiple words for love, each of which shows a different nuance of it. I have chosen four of these words to expound on this month, namely: